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    Long Shadows

    Several years ago, my wife and I stayed in a rustic bed-and-breakfast in the remote Yorkshire Dales of England. We were there with four other couples, all British, whom we had never met before. Sitting in the living room with our after-dinner coffees, the conversation turned to occupations with the question “What do you do?” At the time I was serving as the president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, I assumed that no one there knew of MBI or its founder, D. L. Moody. When I mentioned the name of the school, their response was immediate and surprising. “Of…

    Sharper than any double-edged sword

    Perhaps you’ve heard someone say that “Christianity is a crutch.” Graham heard that statement often from his dad growing up. And though Steve was raised in the church, it would be in prison that he truly turned to Jesus  Christ. Two remarkable journeys and how God is using these men today.

    When 2017 Starts Off on the Wrong Foot

    I blame it on the two cups of tea and one cup of coffee I had earlier that day. Though it was almost 2am, my mind was still active and raring to go.

    What does day-to-day work have to do with God?

    One and a half years ago, I stepped into Harvard University as a bright-eyed graduate student in physics. My first few months were some of the most eventful moments in my life.

    The Perfect Gift

    Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1

    The weeks after Christmas are the busiest time of year in the US for merchandise returns as people trade unwanted gifts for what they really want. Yet you probably know a few people who always seem to give the perfect gift. How do they know just what another person values and what is right for the occasion? The key to successful gift-giving is not money; it’s listening to others and taking a personal interest in what they enjoy and appreciate.

    This is…

    Doing good for the sake of the gospel

    Today on Discover the Word, hear the conclusion of a thought provoking study on Titus chapter 2 with previous hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan. It’s a special encore presentation of an unconventional Christmas series that originally aired years ago,  but one that can have a profound impact on how we live out […]

    God’s grace changes the way we live

    God’s gift of grace does more than give us peace about our past and hope for our future. It changes the way we live today. Today on Discover the Word, join past hosts Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan as they take a look at Titus chapter 2  and discuss the way God’s grace […]

    What You Have

    “You can’t get blood from a rock.” That saying, used sometimes in my part of the world, means that we can’t get from another person or situation what simply isn’t there. For example, I might say, “I can’t get blood from a rock” when I’m trying to collect a debt from someone who doesn’t have the money to repay me. Trying to acquire cash from someone who isn’t capable of providing it is impossible.

    To the End

    Renowned playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) left an unusual last will and testament. Because he found English spelling rules unnecessarily confusing (which they are!), he requested that the United Kingdom adopt a phonetic alphabet he had created to simplify things. He even left a large portion of his estate to implement the plan. Schoolchildren would have been forever grateful to Shaw, but alas, the courts deemed the request “impossible.” The money went to other causes.

    I Want a Comfortable Life—Anything Wrong?

    What is a comfortable life? Is it having just enough to live, a little bit more than enough, or much more than you need? Over the years, the definition of a comfortable life has changed.

    When Success Leads to Dissatisfaction

    In my part of the world, we have a Hokkien word to describe a sense of competitiveness and unwillingness to fail: Kiasu. Literally, it means “scared to lose”. Nobody likes to fail or lose.

    Autograph of the Ordinary

    From overhead, a security camera captured an unseen force as it buckled the floor of the National Corvette Museum in the US. Suddenly a sinkhole yawned from below, devouring several prized sports cars. Among the buried vehicles was the one-millionth Corvette ever produced.

    “Not by Might nor by Power”

    My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power . . . —1 Corinthians 2:4

    If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel, you hinder people …

    The gift of God’s grace

    A gifted athlete, Bobby earned a scholarship and was the first in his family to graduate from college. But his insatiable pursuit of wealth and material things sent his life into a tailspin he never expected. Find out how a man who thought he’d lost everything instead gained everything in the gift of God’s grace.

    Passion Unleashed

    Emmett J. Scanlan, the actor who played Saul in the TV series A.D. The Bible Continues did a fantastic job of painting a passionate portrait of his character. His portrayal of Saul’s efforts to eliminate believers in Jesus made me wince. I had trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that this man would become the beloved apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament!

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